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Eimskip’s values, embodied in the employee Code of Conduct, and other policies guide the Company toward conducting business with high ethics and integrity. Therefore, it is fundamental to the Company that any wrongdoing is reported.
The policy’s purpose is to support these values and document procedures for handling reports of alleged misconduct concerning the Company’s operations and the protection of whistleblowers. The aim is to have a secure platform to make suggestions that can lead to information about violations or reprehensible behavior that can cause damage to the Company and society and reduce such behaviour. This policy applies to all employees (current and former) and all companies within its group. It also applies to contractors, subcontractors, suppliers, and other third parties has context menu.

To report

You can submit a report here on the website. After submitting the report, the Whistleblower Committee will review whether the conduct is reportable conduct or not. Actions will be taken according to what the conclusions will be. All reports will be confidential and handled by the Whistleblower Committee. The whistleblower’s identity will only be known by the Committee and will appear anonymous and confidential to others in case processing.